Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In The Beginning

Hello and welcome to the English Muffin Power Hour! I'm Hunter Barry and if you didn't know that, then why are you at my blog?

Now, many people wonder what compels a man to go blogging. Is it lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of web logs? In this case, it was power (although I won't turn down gold). Namely, the power to entertain my friends, enemies, and colleagues back in Virginia while I moved to Tennessee.

Originally, I sent out a series of newsletters (called "The Hunter Newsletter") each the size of short novels to a handful of interested parties. However, this proved to be an inefficient means of communication as my short novels often took a lot of time to write and I never mailed the letter often enough. Then my Latin professor, Magister Virr, suggested I created a blog.

Thus was born The One Blog... TO RULE THEM ALL!

Unfortunately, I missed the part of the letter wherein he suggested I make smaller updates more frequently. So now instead of mailing my short novels, I posted them on a blog infrequently. All in all, my first blog was a veritable Fort Necessity, a horrific failure the likes of which cannot again be replicated. But it was a failure that taught me valuable lessons to be applied later on in life (namely, to update your blog or die).

Rather than rebuild atop the ashes of The One Blog, I've migrated to this new blog, The English Muffin Power Hour. I still can't make a short title for a blog, by the way. In fact, the titles are getting progressively longer (from six syllables to seven and now nine, all of them starting with "The", as I love establishing the dominance of my work).

You can expect the standard claptrap of blog material (what I do, what I think, my uncanny recollection of historic events, etc.) but with a delightful Hunter twist added to it.

In an effort to try and keep the blog updated relatively often, I'm setting up a strict schedule of mandatory update days. On Mondays and Thursdays, you will get fresh content guaranteed. There might be more updates throughout the week but I won't promise it.

Finally, I recognize the irony that I'm already late on my first post. I'm confident that this is not a trend doomed to repeat itself.


Anonymous said...

fortasse sit una optima sententia habere verba scripta in Latino--quid de hoc putas? Magister Virr

Hunter Barry said...

I agree whole-heartedly, Magister. I originally named this post "Ab Bloge Condita" but I decided against it. I decided that only you and I would get the joke (maybe a rogue historian who wandered here).