Now, some people may be concerned that my blog wields power enough to ride the most tenured (and serially mediocre) coach in the NFL and that I would be driven mad with power. Well, first let me state that I went mad a long time ago. Although that statement seems to imply there was a period in my life when I was not crazy. In fact, let me state emphatically that anyone who claims I was normal at some point is a slanderous cretin out to disparage my name. But I digress. The important thing is that the amount of madness will remain unchanged.
Despite my blog's new found career-destroying powers, I am not content. There's an even greater threat than Pharaoh Adamsotep and I am powerless to stop it. I speak of the worst month of the year, the annual blight on our calendars that no one can stop: February.
"What's so bad about February?" some of my snarkier readers may ask. "It's the shortest month of the year. What could possibly be so bad about it?" But that's exactly why February is so dangerous. Despite being upwards of 9.6% shorter than most months (except on dreaded leap years), February is able to inflict more abuse and terror than any other month. In fact, I am convinced civilization would have crumbled long ago if February had 31 days. But rather than ramble on about the evils of February, I shall expatiate on my convictions in bulletin form (the latter half of that sentence was brought to you by
1. Even the Romans knew to hate February
In an unrelated story, Blogger has made adding images much, much simpler. |
2. Groundhog Day sets us up for disappointment
You're probably wondering if I mean the delightful Bill Murray Comedy "Groundhog Day" or the actual meaningless holiday that was celebrated today. The answer is "both". I blame the comedy for showing us that the path to happiness is get infinite do-overs until we live one day perfectly. I blame the actual holiday for celebrating a glorified woodchuck (or, as it is known in some regions, the land-beaver). But the official groundhog prophecy is a catch-22. If the groundhog sees its shadow, then it returns to its subterranean fortress and will emerge when it's not February anymore. And it means the rest of us will endure six more weeks of Februarian conditions. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow, we'll supposedly get an early spring. But the only way the groundhog won't see its shadow is if its a cloudy day. And February only knows how to do cloudy days one way: gray, cold, and miserable. So even if we get an early spring, February will compensate by being all the more horrible.
3. Black Hole of Entertainment
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There are an awful lot of Romans in my blog today. |
First, February is the single worst month for sports in the entire year, even counting the Super Bowl (by the way, GO STEELERS). The Super Bowl only lasts for a few glorious hours and then there's nothing until March Madness. There's no baseball, no football, and no NBA (which is still in its 82 game preseason that determines which half of the league plays in the regular season). But it gets worse. The paucity of entertainment spreads across all media. Not only are there no good sports on (save for the occasional decent pre-March Madness basketball game), but no good video games come out , no potentially good television shows start, and virtually no good movies come out (with the sole exception of The Eagle, which looks really cool). Even though there have been a surge of great video games in the first quarter of the year recently (such as Mass Effect 2 and God of War 3), they've come out in January and March. So, between the Super Bowl and The Eagle, I'm looking at a solid six hours of entertainment in February. That leaves me with 362 hours to fill where I'm not working or sleeping.
I could go on, but I've already crossed the thousand word threshold. Plus, I figure making another blog post will eat up another hour of the ongoing slow torture called February.
There are actually several Hemoglobin mutation that provide mild protection from Malaria (granted you only get the gene in the heterozygous form, because if you get it homozygously well your dead before a mosquito has a chance at you). Beta-Thallasemia comes to mind as well as a couple others. But still a strong reference.
And yes we do have to sign our names with an M1
Febraury is the best month EVER because of MY birthday!!!! Plus the heart candies are pretty awesome.
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